Collaborating Across Continents

HRCI Brings Together HR Practitioners from 17 Countries 

HRCI recently had the privilege of hosting an impactful and highly collaborative exam development meeting at our headquarters in Alexandria, VA. This gathering highlighted the global nature of the HRCI mission, bringing together human resources (HR) subject-matter experts (SME) from across the world to contribute their invaluable insights and expertise. 

Global Representation 

One of the most remarkable aspects of this event was the impressive international representation. We were honored to welcome 23 distinguished subject-matter experts (SMEs) from 16 countries including: 

SME Team Picture

  • Australia 
  • Bermuda 
  • Canada 
  • Costa Rica 
  • Czech Republic 
  • Egypt 
  • Ghana 
  • India 
  • Nigeria 
  • Pakistan 
  • Portugal 
  • Rwanda 
  • Spain 
  • Türkiye 
  • United Kingdom (UK) 
  • United States (USA) 


Each delegate brought a unique perspective that enriched our discussions and decision-making processes. 

"Collaborating with global HR professionals was such an enriching experience! Not only did it increase my understanding of worldwide HR standards and practices while expanding my network and career prospects, it also cultivated a love for continuous learning. Through HRCI, I’ve had the chance to mentor future HR leaders, gain valuable recertification credits, and enhance my resume. The insights gained have made tackling challenges like retaining skilled talent and adapting to economic fluctuations much easier,” said HRCI subject-matter expert Walaa El Rasheedy, SPHRi. 


HRCI International Certifications 

Exam development meetings are essential components to ensure the validity and relevance of HRCI certifications. The HRCI international exam portfolio includes: 

  • PHRi (Professional in Human Resources - International): Targeted at HR practitioners based outside the US, the PHRi certification demonstrates mastery of generally accepted technical and operational HR principles in a single international setting, showcasing the ability to excel in human resources. 

  • GPHR (Global Professional in Human Resources): Earning the GPHR certification demonstrates expertise of multinational HR responsibilities, including strategies of globalization development of HR policies, initiatives that support organizational global growth, and competencies in managing HR disciplines in a global marketplace. 

International Collaboration at Its Best 

HRCI SMEs worked tirelessly on various components of exam development, helping to ensure HRCI certifications maintain the highest standards and global relevance. Discussions often involved translating the meaning of HR practices globally, fostering a rich exchange of ideas and best practices from different regions. 

Subject-matter expert, Erum Ali, SPHRi, said, “As an HRCI subject-matter expert since 2013, HRCI has been an invaluable partner in my professional journey providing global recognition and elevating my career by removing regional constraints. Coming together for these events fosters a sense of community among HR professionals worldwide and helps ensure certification exams address unique international challenges. My association with HRCI is a source of immense pride, connecting me to the global HR community and empowering me to continuously enhance my skills.” 

Beyond the professional discussions, attendees enjoyed other local activities that fostered a sense of community and SME Waterfrontprovided fun and relaxation. HRCI hosted a group dinner at a much-loved local restaurant, and many attendees ventured out to explore the Alexandria waterfront and Washington, DC. 

Looking Forward 

This meeting's success is a testament to the power of global collaboration and the support of our volunteers. Through these diverse voices and perspectives, HRCI continues to ensure our certifications reflect the highest standards of HR practices worldwide. We are already looking forward to our next gathering, where we can once again join forces with our international experts to push the boundaries of HR excellence. To all the SMEs who joined us from near and far, thank you for being part of our journey!  

To learn more about volunteering with HRCI as a SME, please visit volunteer opportunities

